Perfect Timing
Perfect timing is when preparation meets opportunity. We have all had those seeming magical moments when the universe seems to align for us. For me it was when a co-worker asked me to switch shifts when I was working as a personal trainer in a local gym. That shift change allowed me to meet my wife many years ago.
Perfect timing for you could be that conversation that sparks the creativity to allow you to finish your project that you have been working on. It could be the pacer that allowed you to set a new PR at the local 10K race. Putting on your fall jacket for the 1st time this year and finding 10 bucks in the pocket just after you realized that you left your lunch money at home. It could also be that home that you have been dreaming about hitting the market just after you received your promotion and work and your mortgage pre approval.
Things happen for a reason. So keep focused on where you want to go and what you want to achieve as things have a way of working out as long as you keep your end goal in mind.
Today I am thankful for people who call me back and wonderful conversations that happen as a result, cutting out social media and the time I gain from it and the optimistic feel that this is going to be a wonderful week.
“The universe knows the perfect timing for all those things you want and will find, though the crack of least resistance, the best way to deliver it to you.” Esther Hicks
I look forward to hearing from you in regard to your mortgage needs.
p.s- You can click on this link to start the process whenever you are ready. Schedule your meeting with me here.
p.s.s- I should tell you that I am licensed in Nova Scotia, Ontario(M18001555) & in British Columbia(BCFSA #504098).
p.s.s.s You can download my new mortgage app here