Tag Archive for: debt restructuring

Are you in a rut or digging your grave?

How we feel about our own finances has an effect on the market as a whole. Well now you may be saying that you feel less optimistic because the markets have been going in the toilet lately. It’s sort of like the chicken and egg scenario. Didn’t this all start with the demise of the sub prime mortgage market. If you remember that all started when people were unable to keep up with their mortgage payments and started to lose their homes. It sort of has a snow ball effect don’t you think.

The real difference between a rut and a grave is the depth! So stop digging and put down your shovel. There are solutions and there is a better way.

1) Stop looking at your feet and start looking at where you want to go. Begin with the … Read more

Lower your debt with your mortgage!

“Where does it all go?”You’re looking at your T4 from last year or maybe your most recent pay stub. Sure many people wish that those numbers after the dollar sign were a litter higher but it’s the vanishing act that alarms your the most. Tax time is especially sobering: you can see how much money you made…. but your credit card is still maxed out and you don’t have much to show for a year’s income.

If you are looking for the holes in your wallet start by making a list of your debts. Are your credit cards teetering at the top of their limits? Do you make regular use of your overdraft protection at the bank? Do you have escalating tax liabilities? What about any department store cards? Do you know what interest rate you are paying on them? … Read more