You Suck!

Yup you heard that right, You Suck! Don’t take it too personally, we all suck in some shape or form. However in this instance it is about how you manage your money, and specifically your debt. Here are some indicators that may apply to you.

1)You have used your credit card to pay for a small ticket item. (something less than $10)

2)You make only the minimum payment on your credit card statement.

3)You consistently carry a balance on your credit card(s).

4)You have used one credit card to pay another credit card’s monthly payment.

5)You have occassionally gone without making your minimum monthly payments.

6)Last but certainly not least, you have next to nothing in a long term savings plan.

This is not the end of the world, but it should be a wake up call. There is still time to put yourself on the right track. All it takes it a plan, and believe it or not, it may be possible with the money that you are currently making and spending. Please contact my office today so we can help you develop a plan that works for you.



p.s- You can find me on Twitter,LinkedinFacebookand friendfeed.
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