Sliding into the weekend

Sliding into the weekend

Yes the picture was me this morning, and apologies to my neighbours as I did my C&J in the driveway. So are you sliding into the weekend like a boss or have you barely made it to Friday. If you made progress towards your goals rather than putting out fires all week I would say you arrived like the former rather than the later.

Nothing beats the feeling of accomplishment that you have made some serious progress towards your goals. If homeownership is your goal, then make sure that are managing your credit well and saving for your down payment. You can do this by signing up for a credit monitoring service so you can keep track of how you are doing. In regards to your down payment, I highly recommend that you check out and start using YNAB to help you manage your money.

Today I am thankful for a beautiful fall morning so it’s still warm enough to workout outside, all the great conversations from my massive amount of calls this week and good news via email over night.

“Weekends don’t count unless you spend them doing something completely pointless.” Bill Watterson

I look forward to hearing from you in regard to your mortgage needs.


p.s- You can click on this link to start the process whenever you are ready. Schedule your meeting with me here.

p.s.s- I should tell you that I am licensed in Nova Scotia, Ontario(M18001555) & in British Columbia(BCFSA #504098).

p.s.s.s You can download my new mortgage app here