Sewing Seeds

Sewing Seeds

Sales like any worthwhile objective is all about sewing seeds for a future harvest. Sure instant gratification would be nice but for things to actually turn out the way that you want it to turn out you must first put in the time. Doing that requires making the calls and building the relationships.

Look at it this way, most if not all of us want to be fitter, richer and happier. However how many of us are willing to invest the time and effort on a consistent basis to move us toward our desired result. Those six-pack abs don’t happen over night, unless you are willing to watch what you eat and put in the hours of training it’s never going to happen for you.

Somethings happen faster than others, but you must remain patient and above all else focus as if your end result has already happened for you. This will give you more joy about going through the process and bring you that much closer to the person you were meant to become. Think in 90 day blocks, as the results that you are harvesting today are a direct result of the culmination of the seeds that you have sewn from the past 90 days.

Today I am thankful for a great podcast interview from Tim Ferriss with an amazing woman, a refreshing power zone workout on Peloton and my Friday calls with my family.

I look forward to hearing from you in regard to your mortgage needs.


p.s- You can click on this link to start the process whenever you are ready. Schedule your meeting with me here.

p.s.s- I should tell you that I am licensed in Nova Scotia, Ontario(M18001555) & in British Columbia(BCFSA #504098).

p.s.s.s You can download my new mortgage app here